Living Bigger

You’re dehydrated?

You’re dehydrated?

November 04, 2021

In fact, it’s estimated that an eye-watering 75% of adults living in the USA are chronically dehydrated.

Drinking water is an important habit in any healthy lifestyle, just a 1% drop in total body water content can negatively affect your cognitive ability and overall mood.

Most people tend to make a habit out of staying hydrated during the warmer summer months, after all, you’re more likely to be outside and sweating more than normal. However, it’s equally as important to stay hydrated during the colder, winter months - and arguably harder to manage.

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Fall is the new New Year's Resolution

Fall is the new New Year's Resolution

November 01, 2021

New Year's is the traditional time for making fitness and lifestyle goals. But these plans so often crash and burn. Fall is fast becoming a time when people adopt lifestyle changes and fitness goals and see them through.

Although the seasons are changing, the weather in fall is much more suited to beginning running, cycling or walking. The light is still there and the warmth still lingers. It’s much easier to go out for your walk or run than in the colder months. By the time winter rolls around, you have pushed through the difficult early stages of changing your habits. The new activity is part of your every day or weekly routine and you’re already committed. This way you’re much more likely to keep carrying this change through darker and colder winter months.

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Fall Water Recipes

Fall Water Recipes

October 25, 2021

Infusing your water with fruit flavors is a neat trick to break up water monotony with tasty variants. The change in season gives you a chance to try new flavors.

Now that the summer months are gone, the days are getting shorter, and there are different fruits in season. There are different cravings all around us.

We’re not about to throw handfuls of pumpkin spice into our daily hydration routines, but these Fall Water Recipes can keep the spirit of this time of year while keeping your water intake up.

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Power of Numbers

Power of Numbers

October 18, 2021

When taking on a new challenge, changing your lifestyle, doing something to improve yourself, the old adage of safety in numbers can help. Tackling a new challenge as part of a group, online or in person, maximizes your chances of succeeding, while giving you the chance to connect with other like-minded people on the same journey.

Joining our 60 day challenge is about more than taking control of your hydration and health. It’s about being part of a group, finding your tribe and connecting with other people who have the same goals, drawing on the strength of many to help you achieve your goals.

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How Fruit Infused Water Helps More Than Your Thirst

How Fruit Infused Water Helps More Than Your Thirst

September 08, 2021

At Live Infinitely we might be a little hydro mad. But even we understand that just drinking plain water to stay hydrated can be a chore. Fruit infused water mixes it up. Infusing water with your favorite fruit makes staying hydrated a treat. The increased flavor makes you more inclined to drink the right amount. It can also cut down on your cravings for fruit juice which are often so heavily sugared. It’s a tasty and hydrated solution all round.
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What happens when you drink water first thing in the morning?

What happens when you drink water first thing in the morning?

August 24, 2021

We are just crazy about water here at Live Infinitely, but even we find it hard to resist a cup of strong coffee first thing in the morning. You would be amazed at the health benefits of chugging down a few glasses of good old H2O as you wait for your coffee to brew though.
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Why it’s important to drink more water in the summer months

Why it’s important to drink more water in the summer months

July 19, 2021

As the northern hemisphere basks in the summer months our bodies are soaking up sunshine and vitamin D, but the temperatures have been getting frightfully hot in places. Staying hydrated has never been more important. While drinking 8 glasses of water a day is normally advisable, you‘ll need to up that amount when it’s hot out.  Are you drinking enough?
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How To Write a Daily To-Do List You'll Actually Get Done

How To Write a Daily To-Do List You'll Actually Get Done

June 18, 2021

We all know the feeling when keeping track of all the things that need to get done starts to overwhelm us and cause anxiety. Are there really enough hours in a day to get everything you need done?

Luckily, there is a simple way to release this anxiety and it involves breaking down your goals into daily to-do lists. This makes even your greatest challenges manageable by taking them in smaller, step-by- step measures.

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