10 Things you CAN control

February 04, 2021

10 Things you CAN control

I know I’m not alone when I say that lately things have felt a little overwhelming. Life can be pretty complicated.

When you feel like things are out of your control, focus on the things you can control to help ground yourself! Here are the 10 things we can control every day:


1. Your thoughts

You can focus on what’s going right or what’s going wrong. What you think is how you feel so why not focus on the positive! You get to choose if your thoughts are overall more positive or negative! Cut back on the negativity and happiness will follow.


2. Your productivity level

In all aspects of your life- whether its with work, with your family, or friendships- each day you get to choose how productive you are. Make sure you’re setting the time up to nurture special relationships and reach your personal goals. 

3. Your view of yourself

We can’t control what other people think. Everyone will form their own opinion, what matters is how you see you. Be firm in how you know yourself and be confident.


4. Your work ethic

Every single day you can choose to put the work in to grow your knowledge and success. No one is successful overnight but if you choose to work hard daily, success will come.


5. Your schedule

Having a routine is key! If you include one thing you KNOW you can do each day you will set yourself up for a feeling of success and accomplishment. Even something as small as making the bed each day can feel rewarding!


6. How you treat others

Think of the Golden Rule! You can’t change the way people treat you but you can choose to treat others better.


7. Your Meals

What goes in is what shows on the outside! And the better you eat the better you will feel both physically and mentally.

8. Your level of honesty with others and yourself

Honesty truly is the best policy. It fosters better relationships with others and with yourself.


9. The imagery you allow in your head

This is in line with your thoughts, you get to choose what goes in! The TV shows you watch and the articles you read have an impact on your perspective and worldview. Put good things in!


10. The structure of your space

You can control how clean your space is. I know I personally feel a lot better when things are clean!


Take responsibility for your choices and go easy on yourself for what’s out of your hands! Live each day with the intent of being productive, positive and grateful.

“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” Timber Hawkeye

4 Responses

Demetree Robinson
Demetree Robinson

February 05, 2021

has always been a priority for me. I cannot work surrounded with clutter whether it is in my home office or in the kitchen. Thank you so much for the 10 things I can control which will help me to do better and be more productive.
Brenda Maxey
Brenda Maxey

February 05, 2021

This came to me with perfect timing! Oh the problems I will overcome. Acceptance is not Approval. Thank you very much.

Brenda Maxey
Brenda Maxey

February 05, 2021

This came to me with perfect timing! Oh the problems I will overcome. Acceptance is not Approval. Thank you very much.

Mary Smith
Mary Smith

February 04, 2021

Thank you for this! I have been pondering this exact thing lately.

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