4 Ways to Keep Your Kids Hydrated

April 12, 2021

4 Ways to Keep Your Kids Hydrated

Hydration for children is more important than you think!  Many of us may not be aware that children are more susceptible to dehydration than adults.

Children have a higher requirement of water in relation to their bodies than adults. This is because they are more vulnerable to dehydration in hot weather and/or when exercising. So good hydration for children is essential to enable their body and mind to function at full capacity.

Children may not remember to drink water or fluids by themselves, so it is important for adults to provide ways to encourage a regular intake of fluid. 


So how do you get your kids to drink more water?


1. You are your child’s best role model

The healthy choices that you make will create a huge impact of the life choices and habits your child develops. If you’re drinking water throughout the day, your child will want to too!


2. Create fruit infused masterpieces together!

All kids love using their hands. Invite your kids to help you in the kitchen as you put together fruit infused recipes to add to their water. Not only will they love the extra flavor from the fruit, veggies and herbs - they will feel a sense of pride knowing that they created it!


3. Give them their own dedicated special water bottle

When kids take ownership over something they are more likely to want it. If they have a water bottle that is their own, they will love to carry it around, drink from it and show it off to all of their friends.


4. Feed them foods that are high in water

Foods that are high in water content such as apples, celery, strawberries, melons, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce etc will help keep your kiddos hydrated and are tasty too!

Staying properly hydrated keeps the body and mind running efficiently and feeling strong. Serve water with meals and snacks, and take those extra few minutes to pack the water bottles before your family heads out the door.

Helping your children choose water first, and modeling this choice yourself, builds healthy habits that will pay dividends for a lifetime!

1 Response


August 01, 2022

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